Disconnect to Reconnect
with Lizzie McGhee
Welcome to Off Grid.​
If you feel overwhelmed by the modern pace of life, you have come to the right place.
It's time to release yourself from your devices. Whether we're fastened to our smart phones and tablets for work, or wasting time on them outside of it, the detrimental effects device addiction and reliance have on our mental and physical wellbeing, and our creativity- as individuals, and as a collective- are stark.
Off Grid's vision is to offer the ultimate breathing space, an exquisite 'switch-off' through digital detox retreats. Our retreats are hosted by Lizzie McGhee, experienced Yoga Teacher, Songwriter and visionary behind our detox concept. Journey off grid to unique locations in beautiful rural Scotland, retreat from the constant barrage of communication from the outside world, and come together with like-minded souls for an experience of a lifetime. Immerse yourself in daily Yoga practices, meditation, nourishing meals, mindful hikes, wild swimming, creative exercises- or simply enjoy the freedom and head space our retreats facilitate.
“Simply put, humans are not wired to be constantly wired.”
- Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism.
We intend our retreats to be the detox you need to re-align yourself with what you truly want and who you truly are- beneath the noise.
Retreats are a popular way to holiday for many reasons but we believe that marrying the retreat concept with the challenge of digitally disconnecting is the key to a lasting shift in lifestyle and creative capacity.
Your host, Lizzie McGhee, has taught Yoga for 8 years, specialising in Restorative, Yin Yoga and Myofascial Release. Your daily practices will be soulful, functional and with the consistency of them over the course of your retreat- transformational. Find more yoga offerings in the lizzie mcghee section.
Join the revolution!
"Listen to silence, it has so much to say."
- Rumi
Book your spot
If reading about the digital detox concept has you all fired up and ready to dive in, then please book your space via the sections below. If you are curious but want some more information, reach me via the contact page or send an email to offgridyoga@gmail.com.
This is your opportunity to truly disconnect to reconnect, to give yourself the rest and recuperation you need and deserve.
If the retreat you are looking at is fully booked, please add yourself to the waitlist, as occasionally booked guests drop out before the retreat goes ahead.
Nestled on the banks of Loch Venacher, enjoy a long weekend in luxury lochside lodges filled with peace, quiet and nourishing practices. Yoga, paddle-boarding, plant based catering, wild swimming, luxury accommodation with hot tubs, and of course time away from your devices. Limited spaces available.
"I loved every minute of it…the opportunity to digitally detox and disconnect from devices seemed to magically allow time to expand. We were able to be so free ..."
Lizzie McGhee is an experienced Yoga Teacher from Scotland. Specialising in Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and self-massage practices, Lizzie shares a holistic practice with her students and retreat guests, with the intention of bringing each student back to their essence, back to who they truly are, beneath the noise of life.